"I traveled 26 hours for this training session, and it was worth every minute of it..."
- S. Gabriel, Tech Manager
SpectraLink International Australia
"Lorna played a crucial role in advising my leadership and me as we guided our team through a significant transformation. Her partnership was invaluable in defining our customer relationship strategies and providing tactical support in new skill sets and practices."
- Diane Murphy, Sr Director GA/BA Sales
"Single Best Feature: Lorna's presentation and skills training. She really challenges everyone in the room to do better at whatever it is that we are focusing on."
-Participant Reviews
GHX Annual Meeting
“A high compliment must be paid and it is clearly deserved. We are pulling data together to create a success case to share with the top 60 leaders across our division. Thanks for the partnership.”
- Annette W, VP, Human Capital Management, Oracle
“I’ve not seen the core challenge or dilemma as clearly articulated as a focal point as you accomplished: building on that with roles, start/stop/continue and operating agreements. I would certainly say that you did a masterful job.”
- Marquess L, Chief Technology Officer, Pearson eCollege
"Motivation... you have revived my MOJO, and I very much appreciate it! I believe all tenured personnel are in denial if they don't believe they would benefit from a refresher now and then."
-J. Frame, Sr Director, Business Development
Global Healthcare Exchange
“I can’t thank you enough for the regional sessions. You clearly listened to our needs and the teams responded with surprising results! It was inspiring to be in the room watching the “lightbulbs” going on.
We heard all positive comments; that this was the best meeting we have ever had!”
- Dani Williams, VP Sales, Medela Inc.
“For the last few years, I'd been working in technology companies that didn't have a strong customer focus. I found myself more on the tech side than sales. It's so refreshing to go back to the core focus and get some fantastic coaching!”
-Melissa Schmierbach, Sr. Account Exec
“Conflict Resolution / Coaching workshop had many good tactics for leadership. If every lead and foreman knew each person’s conflict resolution 'type', coaching and task assigning would be much more effective and create a stronger team.”
- Eric V, PDH Process Improvement Manager
“I have taken training classes in the past and thought to myself, “This is a waste of time.“ Frontline Leader Training was the complete opposite. The amount of beneficial information I retained was unlike anything I have experienced. To say it was EXTREMELY advantageous would be an understatement.”
- Rick F, PUO Leader
“I found the experience to be very positive, especially given the short time span. We walked in with highly disparate views and experiences, but walked away with a richer understanding of the situation, our peers and superiors. No doubt we have a large number of challenges ahead, but the session provided me with excellent context to better appreciate their origins. As you said, ‘some things are trainable’; some though are experiential, and will simply require time and additional exercises such as this one.”
- Peter D, LTG Portfolio Manager